
Dark Gray
Hex Code: #333333

Uses: Primarily, this color is used as the default text when on a light background.

Hex Code: #FFFFFFF

Uses: On dark backgrounds, use 100% white as your text color.


Hex Code: #A51417

Uses: Use our brand red color for all link colors on a light backgorund.

Hex Code: #FFFFFFF

Uses: On dark backgrounds, use 100% white as your link color.

Medium Gray
Hex Code: #717171

Uses: Active link color on a light background.


Hex Code: #A51417

Uses: Thick divider line between heading and text

Light Gray
Hex Code: #CCCCCC

Uses: Thin divider line between heading and text

Alerts and Warnings

Hex Code: #2d837e

Uses: Used as the background color for alerts

Yellow Gold
Hex Code: #FFCC00

Uses: Used as the background color for warnings

Extended Colors

Red - 75%
Hex Code: #BB4E51

Uses: Graphics and icons

Red - 50%
Hex Code: #D2898B

Uses: Graphics and icons

Red - 25%
Hex Code: #E8C4C4

Uses: Graphics and icons

Blue - 100%
Hex Code: #005F85

Uses: Graphics and icons

Blue - 75%
Hex Code: #4087A3

Uses: Graphics and icons

Blue - 50%
Hex Code: #80AFC2

Uses: Graphics and icons

Teal - 75%
Hex Code: #61A29E

Uses: Graphics and icons

Teal - 50%
Hex Code: #96C1BE

Uses: Graphics and icons

Teal - 25%
Hex Code: #CADFDE

Uses: Graphics and icons

Green - 100%
Hex Code: #789B4A

Uses: Graphics and icons

Green - 75%
Hex Code: #99B477

Uses: Graphics and icons

Green - 50%
Hex Code: #BBCDA4

Uses: Graphics and icons

Orange - 100%
Hex Code: #D25F28

Uses: Graphics and icons

Orange - 75%
Hex Code: #DD875D

Uses: Graphics and icons

Orange - 50%
Hex Code: #E8AF93

Uses: Graphics and icons